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Reading and Discussion Group

December 10 @ 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm

Mission Statement

This group seeks to promote the reading and thoughtful discussion of a varied selection of books and topics to expand our knowledge and stimulate reflection. We hope to increase our vision and see through the eyes of others through thoughtful, well-prepared, civil discussions of selected books. Meetings open with a prayer and reflection in tune with the book under discussion or with timely, felt needs within the greater community, be it parish, diocese, nation, or the world.


The St. Ignatius Reading & Discussion Group meets on the second Tuesday of the month. For further group details and the books that are being read each month click here.

Let us know via email if you intend to participate so that we can provide you with discussion topics and background information for the meetings.


William Paznekas

Contact us for more information, including a list of the discussion topics for each monthly meeting.

Event Details

Date & Time:

December 10 @ 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm


Event Website:

740 N. Calvert Street
Baltimore, MD 21202 United States