Parish Articles

Day: June 27, 2024

Mark 6:7-13: Jesus: Principles of Ministry

by Jeff Stott Jesus game plan can be summarized in two words: “Follow Me.” Follow me and I will make you fisher of people. Follow me and you will become like me. Follow me and you will find life. Follow me and you will discover your kingdom purpose and mission.

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The Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Blood transports oxygen, it returns carbon dioxide as well as cleansing and nurturing the body with food and hormones. Some faint at the sight of it. We think of all the blood spilled in the world today and pray for peace. Christ’s blood was necessary. But our brothers and sisters

The Thirteenth Week in Ordinary Time 

Every time I assisted pilgrimages to the Holy Land, we stopped in Magdala. It is the site of a memorial church built recently to Women of the Gospels. You walk into the church and a dome is held up by seven pillars with women’s names on them. These are heroines

The Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Blood transports oxygen, it returns carbon dioxide as well as cleansing and nurturing the body with food and hormones. Some faint at the sight of it. We think of all the blood spilled in the world today and pray for peace. Christ’s blood was necessary. But our brothers and sisters

The Thirteenth Week in Ordinary Time 

Every time I assisted pilgrimages to the Holy Land, we stopped in Magdala. It is the site of a memorial church built recently to Women of the Gospels. You walk into the church and a dome is held up by seven pillars with women’s names on them. These are heroines

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