Parish Articles

Day: August 29, 2022

Loss and Restoration

by Elaine Wainwright Elaine Wainwright gives an ecological reading of the parable of the Lost Son in Luke 15:11-32. Luke 15: 1 Now all the tax collectors and sinners were coming near to listen to Jesus. 2 And the Pharisees and the scribes were grumbling and saying: “ This fellow

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The Thirteenth Week in Ordinary Time 

Every time I assisted pilgrimages to the Holy Land, we stopped in Magdala. It is the site of a memorial church built recently to Women of the Gospels. You walk into the church and a dome is held up by seven pillars with women’s names on them. These are heroines

The Twelfth Week in Ordinary Time

Dear Friends in Christ, This June, let us advocate for migrants at our southern border who face mortal danger. Many Latinos have varied but valid reasons to come to our door: death squads in their home countries, gangs that had been extorting money from them, misguided leaders who ruined economies

The Thirteenth Week in Ordinary Time 

Every time I assisted pilgrimages to the Holy Land, we stopped in Magdala. It is the site of a memorial church built recently to Women of the Gospels. You walk into the church and a dome is held up by seven pillars with women’s names on them. These are heroines

The Twelfth Week in Ordinary Time

Dear Friends in Christ, This June, let us advocate for migrants at our southern border who face mortal danger. Many Latinos have varied but valid reasons to come to our door: death squads in their home countries, gangs that had been extorting money from them, misguided leaders who ruined economies

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