Why Doubt Can Give You Hope

by Lee Strobel

I know I’ve gone through bouts of doubt that felt like they could be lethal to my faith. How about you?

Perhaps you’ve questioned whether God has really forgiven you or whether He can keep forgiving you when, as a Christian, you’ve failed to do what you knew He was telling you to do. Or you’ve wondered whether the Bible can be trusted. Or you can’t reconcile the world’s suffering with a loving God. Or you’ve read an article by a skeptical scientist or liberal theologian that kicked the legs of your faith right out from under you.

The issue isn’t whether you will catch the doubt virus; we’re all infected to some degree. The real question is this: How can we prevent that virus from turning into a virulent disease that ultimately ravages our faith? Or perhaps this is a better question: How can we respond to our doubts in ways that will help us emerge even stronger as a result?

As incredible as it sounds, a bout of doubt may turn out to be one of the healthiest and most hope-inspiring experiences you’ll ever go through.

Let’s put the doubt virus under the microscope where we can expose it to scrutiny and destroy some of our misconceptions that give it undue strength.

First Misunderstanding: What Doubt Really Is

Many Christians think that doubt is the opposite of faith, but it isn’t. The opposite of faith is unbelief, and that’s an extremely important distinction to understand.

In his book In Two Minds, Os Guinness said, “Doubt comes from a word meaning ‘two.’ To believe is to be ‘in one mind’ about accepting something as true; to disbelieve is to be ‘in one mind’ about rejecting it. To doubt is to waver between the two, to believe and disbelieve at once and so to be ‘in two minds.’”

Guinness also pointed out that in the Bible, unbelief refers to a willful refusal to believe or a deliberate decision to disobey God. But doubt is different. When we doubt, we’re being indecisive or ambivalent about an issue. We haven’t come down squarely on the side of disbelief or belief; we’re simply stuck over some questions or concerns.

So go ahead and breathe a sigh of relief. Those words might be just what you needed to hear to begin neutralizing the anxiety that the doubt virus has been generating inside you, robbing you of the hope your Christian faith ought to give you.

Second Misunderstanding: Doubt Is a Sin to Be Forgiven

Not only is doubt different from disbelief, but, contrary to popular opinion, doubt is not a sinful offense. God doesn’t condemn us when we ask Him questions.

Don’t you think God would rather have you be honest with Him about your doubts than have you profess a phony faith? He knows what’s going on inside us anyway; it’s absurd to think we can mask our doubts from Him. An authentic relationship means telling the truth about how we feel, and that’s the kind of relationship God wants with us.

Third Misunderstanding: Doubt Inevitably Does Damage

Another common misconception is that the doubt virus is always detrimental to our spiritual health. However, the truth is that God can use our doubts to produce positive side effects.

Using a medical analogy, overcoming a bout of doubt is like getting an immunization. To help your body ward off a disease in the future, doctors inject you with a small amount of the virus that causes that very same illness so you will build up antibodies that will battle off that sickness if it ever threatens you. In the long run, your body is actually healthier for the experience.

Similarly, when you’re infected with the doubt virus and it compels you to seek answers to your questions, you will ultimately emerge stronger than ever. Your faith has been confirmed once more. And you end up gaining greater confidence for dealing with doubt in the future.

There’s another way that doubt can be healthy for us: it can guard us from our own gullibility. Most religious cults, for instance, would go out of business immediately if their members would exercise a healthy dose of doubt about the biblical interpretations, broader teachings and actual practices of the groups they’re part of.

“Test everything,” cautioned the apostle Paul. “Hold on to the good” (1 Thessalonians 5:21). When teaching doesn’t square with Scripture, it’s time to question that teacher and let our doubts lead us away from harm. Godly teachers encourage questions; those who demand unthinking agreement have something to hide.

Holding on to Hope

When you’re trying to maintain your sense of hope in the midst of spiritual doubt, turn Paul’s words into a personal prayer:

Lord, I can see and understand only a little about you now, as if I were peering at your reflection in a poor mirror, but someday I am going to see you in your completeness, face-to-face. Now, all that I know is hazy and blurred, but then I will see everything clearly, just as clearly as you see into my heart right now.

In the meantime, be encouraged by the words of Rufus Jones, a pastor who put it this way a century ago: “A rebuilt faith is superior to an inherited faith that has never stood the strain of a great testing storm. If you have not clung to a broken piece of your old ship in the dark night of the soul, your faith may not have the sustaining power to carry you through to the end of the journey.”

When you’re feeling dizzy and disoriented because of doubt, remember that observation. As you emerge from your uncertainties, I believe that you will possess a hardier faith, a deeper faith and a more resilient, enduring and hope-filled faith than you did before it was put to the test.

Taken from The Case for Hope by Lee Strobel Copyright © September 2015 by Zondervan. Used by permission of Zondervan. www.zondervan.com.

Lee Strobel

Lee Strobel was the award-winning legal editor of The Chicago Tribune and is the best-selling author of The Case for Faith, The Case for Christ, and The Case for a Creator, all of which have been made into documentaries by Lionsgate. With a journalism degree from the University of Missouri and a Master of Studies in Law degree from Yale, Lee wrote 3 Gold Medallion winners and the 2005 Book of the Year with Gary Poole. He and his wife live in Texas. Visit Lee’s website at: leestrobel.com.


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