Upcoming Litter Pilgrimage

The St. Ignatius Environmental Justice Committee, Antiracism Task Force, and Young Adult Ministry are co-sponsoring a Litter Pilgrimage on 21 July at 11:15 AM, where we will walk a rectangular course of less than two miles in our neighborhoods. We will consider the temperatures in July, accessibility needs and people’s interest in a shorter route and will make every effort to accommodate all participants.   

Exercising the Jesuit mission of advocacy, education and action, while prayerfully collecting trash/litter as we go, we will reflect upon key elements of Pope Francis’ Laudato Si’, Franciscan and Ignatian spiritualities, and Catholic Social Teaching to become aware of our immediate environment (both ecological and social) and to discern how we are being called to act. 

We will meet at the native garden on Calvert Street, in front of the Parish Offices, at 11:15 a.m. Please bring gloves. Grabbers and bags will be provided, but if you have either, please bring them. All are welcome to light refreshments in St. Ignatius Rectory at the Pilgrimage’s conclusion. Please RSVP to Theresa, chair of the Environmental Justice Committee at tafurnari10@gmail.com if you will join us. We hope to see you there!

Environmental Justice Committee

Environmental Justice Committee

The Environmental Justice Committee works to advance, educate and participate with individuals and groups to improve the condition of the environment for all of the earth’s inhabitants through direct action, education and advocacy in harmony with the environment.
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Hunger, Housing & Poverty Committee

Hunger, Housing & Poverty Committee

Our mission is to educate and advocate for those who are food insecure, in need in housing, and suffering. We work to oppose any budget cuts that would increase hunger and poverty in the United States and around the world.
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Racial Justice Committee

Racial Justice Committee

We stand in solidarity with those facing hardship and injustice due to race. Our goal is to be stewards of faith, hope, and love by promoting model relationships that are rooted in truth, compassion, equality, and peace.
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Economic Justice Committee

Economic Justice Committee

We are called and challenged to articulate, advocate for, and act upon critical economic issues that affect our neighbors, families, and communities across our city and our world.
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Immigration Committee

Immigration Committee

We feel called by the Gospel and guided by Catholic Social Teaching to welcome the stranger by seeing in the immigrant the face of Christ. America is a country built by immigrants, most of us need to look back only one or two generations to discover our own immigrant ancestors.
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Ignatian Family Teach-in for Justice

Ignatian Family Teach-in for Justice

We are boundless: unified in difference. We are beloved: working for justice witnesses to that love. Our striving for our collective liberation will never be complete, and that in and of itself empowers us to pursue that work.
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