Third Sunday of Lent

Each Lent, Christians raise the two short and direct questions to Jesus. They are the questions of John the Baptist: “Are you the one? Or should we expect another?” Jesus’ first way to answer that is to show us in an earthly way: he heals the blind, he defeats Evil in the desert, he cures sicknesses of every kind, and preaches the Good News to the poor. Yesterday, we listened to his divine way to answer those questions. He brings three of his apostles. Peter James, and John up a mountain to manifest who he really is: He is God. He is the fulfillment of hope. This theophany prepares the apostles to remove the offense and humiliation of what they will eyewitness: the Cross with Him on it. Behind the gross indignity Jesus will suffer, they can be assured and so can we of what Pope St. Leo the Great called “his hidden dignity.” 

Click here for this week’s Parish: ‘The Thought’
