Please keep our friends and family in your prayers.
Albert Agnello Sue Aston Ray Aumiller Lynn Bellamy Theresa Briones Luke Conley Christopher Costello David Cox Suzy Cox Wendell Dailey Margaret (Margie) D’Alesandro Maria DeMeo Bill Figeas Nancy Flanigan Victoria Florea Tony French Bob Garrett Phil Gramelspachet Shawn Gravel Kay Haddon Louella Johnson Gwen Kenney Diane Kinsley Jimmy Malone Ann McDonnell Bob Miller Laurie Murphy Dima Papay Ike Pundt Alice Siegel Susan Smith Vic Taylor Daranee Teapthong Betty Zajac
Please help us keep this list accurate and up-to-date.
Family members, we ask that you contact Barbara Dailey at at the Parish Office to let us know about the condition of those for whom we pray.
Names will stay on the list for 3 months, at which point you will need to resubmit for another 3 months.