Father Brian Frain, S.J., 60, grew up in Audubon, NJ. He father was from Co. Mayo, Ireland and his mother was from Philadelphia. He has an older sister, Maureen, and an older brother Michael. Fr. Frain is blessed with four nieces, two grand-nephews and a grand-niece. Fr. Frain remembers how his vocation began to take deeper root at St Joseph’s University in Philadelphia, his alma mater. It happened through silent directed retreats that deepened his prayer life and community service with the Philadelphia Coalition for the Homeless that offered a perspective of how inequalities persist in urban settings. His family’s influence and a little natural talent served him well in the early years. He learned to play accordion and competed in Irish dance. He was the founder of two Irish dance schools and, until recently, taught children Irish dancing and coached those entering competitions (called feiseanna).
Fr. Frain entered the Society of Jesus at St. Andrew Hall Novitiate in Syracuse, NY. He pronounced vows in 1994. He studied philosophy at Fordham University and theology at Weston Jesuit School of Theology. He was ordained in 2002 and his final vows were received in 2010. For most of his Jesuit career, Father worked in schools. He earned a EdD from the University of Rochester. He has been assigned to Regis High School, St. Joseph’s Major Seminary, McQuaid Jesuit, St. Joseph’s University, and Rockhurst University. While reflecting over the challenges of religious life today, Fr. Frain responded that he sees a noticeable decline in Mass attendance and community service. He went on, “it isn’t only a decline among the Catholics; we see this decline in other Christian denominations. The place of religion in American life has changed. And technology significantly contributes to this change.” When asked about the blessings, Fr. Frain, explained how much he loves the Eucharist and grows through life with his brother Jesuits. He thanks them for their model of fidelity to this way of religious life.
In his free time, Fr. Frain enjoys studying languages. As an undergraduate, he studied Italian in Florence, Italy. After entering the novitiate, he studied Spanish in Mexico, Bolivia and Spain. And when missioned to Myanmar, he studied Burmese with great difficulty. Now he is tackling Irish (Gaeilge).
Deacon Andrew Lacovara shared, “Father Frain is sincere and genuine in his interest in and concern for other persons. He has a great sense of humor and an appreciation of the oddities and absurdities of life. He is easy to work with and lives his vocation with joy, embracing the new role of pastor, even if it is a bit far of field from his previous experiences.”
When asked if he had any closing thoughts, Fr. Frain responded how instrumental the Jesuit life has been to him. It’s a joyous life with “support for each other in personal growth and developing a special love for Christ.”