Andrew was ordained for the Archdiocese of Baltimore and assigned to St. Ignatius in 2019. He is active on the Justice and Peace committee and with the Loaves and Fishes ministry. He has worked in prison and hospital ministry and currently works in chaplaincy at Mercy Medical Center.
He and his wife, Avendui, have two (nominally) adult sons and enjoy being able to walk to St. Ignatius together.
Andrew has a masters degree in theology from St. Mary’s Seminary and University and is pursuing a Licentiate in Sacred Theology there, focusing on biblical theology.
Working with young couples and families as they prepare for and receive the sacraments of matrimony and baptism is among the many joys of his serving the people of God at St. Ignatius. Andrew continues to be very grateful for all of the wisdom and kindness the congregation and ministerial staff offer him in this extraordinary faith community.