2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time


You’ll notice that I am not wearing my clerics today. Because I want to stress a point. I don’t have to wear something to show my holiness. Today, I’m in Mufti. That means civilian dress. It’s meant to stress my point. The readings of the next two weeks concern vocation. Unfortunately, we isolate this word vocation in our English and religious usage. Vocational skills refer to specialized training. Catholics refer to vocation to the sacraments in the service of communion, which are Holy Matrimony or Holy Orders. Furthermore, we associate vocation to a time in life when we are young or fecund, when life is fertile with dreams and the body can bear children. We refer to vocation as a calling to religious life in a community like the Jesuits or Franciscans. God calls all people to holiness. 

Click Here for this week’s Parish: ‘The Thought’
