The Church is a community of Christ’s disciples welcomed, loved, and supported in every part of life so that its members can go out to welcome, love, and support others.
Welcoming all, we worship God, serve, and advocate so that everyone has opportunities for sharing their Catholic faith, enabling the joy of the Gospel to come to life and be lived in action.
As a Jesuit parish, we believe we are called to discover, respect, protect, and enhance whatever is humane and graced in every person, and in every culture.
We believe that diversity shared with love and respect enriches all of us and makes us more compassionate and creative. We seek to walk with others and to invite them to walk with us.
We encourage people to reflect on their experiences and to discern God’s presence in their lives. Our desire is to nurture lay leadership as well as personal faith, a “faith that does justice,” by way of solidarity with the poor and dedication to the greater good.
We believe that working hard to cooperate with and share God’s generosity and compassion is one of the privileges of being human—and that what we owe to God, to creation, to one another is gratitude, humility, reverence, and service.
We believe that community is formed and the desire to share it grows when our unarticulated desires, hopes, and dreams for the future are named, celebrated, and expressed through a practical vision.