May 2022 – Pastoral Council Minutes 

St. Ignatius Pastoral Council Meeting

Monday, May 9, at 7:00 PM

Virtual Meeting via Zoom

Present: Father Casciotti, Jack Gatti, Christina deGraft-Johnson, Jim Kline, Kevin Burdinski, Kate Walsh, Toni Moore-Duggan, Christopher Daffin, Ted Engelke, and Ryan Bixler.

Opening Prayer

Kate opened with prayer.

The Review of the Strategic Plan Post-COVID With Representative From the Archdiocese

  • Kellie Reynolds walked us through the plan we created two years ago.
  • The plan is from 2019, but while we may not have met some of the benchmarks that’s okay because the world has changed a lot since then because of COVID.
  • Vibrant Liturgy goal – Since COVID we are down to two masses which is more sustainable. We also now have handicap access.
    • A question was raised if having less masses is the direction we want to go.
    • The increased viewing from the livestream was also mentioned.    
    • We are on track to meeting VL1 and VL2, but now we will want to focus on VL3.
  • Spiritual Growth goal – Some the strategies are a little difficult to measure given COVID.
    • There seems to be more people engaged in the spiritual exercises.
    • Is there a way to encourage people to meet in person?
    • How do we get people to act on what they read in the ezine?
    • We discussed doing a “Ministry Minutes” during each mass.
    • To help show the more vibrant liturgy it was suggested to have the cameras show the people at mass to highlight the vibrancy to give a reason for people to come back.
    • Pitching for volunteers was noted that it’s a big turnoff. The “Ministry Minutes” should be sharing a good story or what excites them about the ministry.
  • The remainder of the objectives and strategies will be discussed at the next Council meeting.

Pastor’s Report

Draft FY23 Budget

  • We are expecting a surplus this year and for our budget next year. Labor costs have gone down.
  • We are looking to hire a part time person to help with connecting the ministries.

Business Updates

Roof Repair

  • We put money into the roof six years ago and was supposed to last 10 years, but it did not. We now need to replace the entire roof that will be a large capital outlay.
  • A new metal roof will cost $600k – $1m. It will be a strong copper roof with a coating that should last 70 years.
  • A contractor has not yet been in engaged, but it’s in process.
  • The Finance Council has been analyzing this project.

Loyola School

  • The demolition for the row houses is starting soon.


  • A gentleman named Chris McCullough, is coming to explore the idea of working part time for Father Watters and part time with the Church.

Committee Reports


  • There was a new group of children that just did their First Communion.

Young Adult Ministry

  • Very much in flux right now and starting to solicit suggestions on what to do next.
  • Hoping in the next month to have a plan.
  • It was mentioned that there is not a point person to follow through on ideas that are brought up with this group.

Anti-racism Committee

  • The committee has been doing a monthly prayer service.


  • Looking to make more connections in the city with other faiths.
  • BUILD – community organized corporate group to help with affordable housing.
    • Father Casciotti and Father Watters met with the group on how the Church can help.

Pastoral Council Presence

  • Members to sign up showing a presence at the coffee hour.
  • “Adopt a Ministry” idea was discussed. Have there be a point person to be able to discuss what the ministry actually does and start to help make connections between ministries.
    • We think it is worth a try to get someone to reach out to the ministries about what is going on and if they need any help/support.
    • Father Casciotti and Christina will draft an email to send to the committees.

Next meeting is Monday, June 13, 2022, at 7pm via Zoom.

Toni volunteered for Opening Prayer for the next meeting.

Closing Prayer

The Council closed with the following prayer:

Take, Lord, and receive all my liberty, my memory, my understanding, my entire will – all that I have and call my own.   You have given it all to me.  To you, Lord, I return it.  Everything is yours: do with it what you will.  Give me only your love and your grace.  That is enough for me.


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