We are happy to accompany you through the marriage preparation process which aims to deepen your understanding of Catholic marriage, to strengthen your relationship, and to support your journey as Christian disciples bonded in love.
For couples who are, or intend to become, parishioners at St. Ignatius, this process will include married parishioner mentor couples with whom you will meet before and, it is hoped, after your wedding, at dates and times convenient for both couples, to discuss many of the major issues and questions which married persons face once they begin married life.
A sacramental marriage is a profound mystery and religious covenant involving a deeply personal (and public) commitment on the part of both individuals.
While it is understandable that you will be concerned with many details regarding the liturgy, the reception and the honeymoon, the first priority is your spiritual preparation for entering into this sacred and perpetual union. The following information will assist you in planning for your ceremony and for your life together thereafter.
Please do not hesitate to call with any questions you may have. We will do our best to answer your questions and to make your wedding day a joyous beginning for your marriage. A member of our staff will be in touch with you to congratulate you and to follow up on your request.
[email protected].
To be married at St. Ignatius Church, one or both parties must have been an active and contributing registered member of the parish for at least nine months. Children of parishioners are also eligible to be married at St. Ignatius.
Graduates of Loyola-Blakefield or Loyola University and those who are either relatives of Jesuits or alumni of Jesuit schools may be married at St. Ignatius if a Jesuit relative or friend officiates at the wedding.
Couples will register for and complete the online Catholic marriage program “Witness to Love.”
The feedback gained from this program will be forwarded to the priest or facilitator so that the strengths and opportunities for continued growth can be discussed.
Many couples favor this 48-hour experience. It is a spiritually rewarding time together in conjunction with as many as 12 other couples to explore personally almost every facet of married life.
Several married couples offer initial talks which individual couples discuss later on their own.
Fees are established by the Archdiocese. Alternately, “GIVEN,” a day-long retreat, may be used to supplement the mentor couple and on-line preparation steps.
This approach involves four or five meetings with a couple, already married, at dates and times convenient for both couples, to discuss all the major issues and questions which married people face once they begin married life.
All couples will undertake a one-time questionnaire covering 16 themes that touch on marriage. Once the questionnaire has been processed, the couple will meet with a priest, deacon, or facilitator to discuss the results.
If the pre-marital inquiry shows that either or both parties to the intended marriage have been married previously, it will be necessary to determine if annulment(s) must be sought for the previous marriage(s). Archdiocesan regulations do not permit a date to be set for the anticipated marriage until the necessary annulments are granted.
Typically done at the initial meeting by the priest or deacon who is directing the couple’s preparation for marriage, the inquiry asks a series of questions through which the couple indicates that they understand the meaning of the marriage vows & confirm that they are ready and eligible for marriage.
In the case of marriages between Catholics and members of other Christian or non-Christian faiths, it is necessary to obtain the appropriate permission or dispensation from the Archdiocese. Ordinarily, this is not difficult and will be done by the priest or deacon helping the couple to prepare for marriage.
If neither party to the wedding is a parishioner of St. Ignatius, the Catholic party must receive a letter of permission from his or her pastor to be married at St. Ignatius.
Catholics seeking to marry will require a recent (within the last six months) baptismal certificate impressed with the official church seal. Photocopies are not acceptable. Baptized non-Catholics should similarly provide evidence of their baptism.
A city marriage license, which must be obtained prior to the wedding, should be presented to the officiating priest or deacon at (or before) the rehearsal. For more information, call the Marriage License Bureau of Baltimore City at 410-333-3780.
Weddings at St. Ignatius will be available only at 10:00 a.m. or 3:00 p.m. on Saturdays.
We cannot accommodate evening weddings.
We recommend that, when you schedule your wedding, you also schedule a time for the rehearsal, usually no later than 6:00 p.m.
A deposit is required to reserve the church at the time the wedding is initially scheduled.
Wedding couples are encouraged to take an active role in planning their marriage ceremony.
Ordinarily, the liturgy is prepared in conjunction with the officiating priest or deacon, who will acquaint the couple with the liturgical options available.
A wedding rehearsal is required for all couples.
“Candlelight” ceremonies are not permitted at St. Ignatius.
The parish priests of St. Ignatius have the primary responsibility to officiate at the marriages of their parishioners.
Friends or relatives of the wedding couple are also most welcome to officiate at weddings at St. Ignatius, but they will need to receive delegation from the pastor.
The deposit is required to reserve the church at the time the wedding is initially scheduled, and the music coordinator fee is to be paid when the Wedding Music Planner Form is submitted.
All other fees must be paid at least one month prior to the date of the wedding.