July 2022 – Pastoral Council Minutes 

St. Ignatius Pastoral Council Meeting

Monday, July 11, 2022, at 7:00PM

Virtual Meeting via Zoom

Present: Father Casciotti, Christina deGraft-Johnson, Jim Kline, Kevin Burdinski, Kate Walsh, Toni Moore-Duggan, Christopher Daffin, Andrew Lacovara, Ted Engelke, Jack Gatti, and Ryan Bixler.

Opening Prayer

Ted opened with prayer.

Last Month’s Minutes were approved.

Pastor’s Reports

Hiring for part time coordinator position

  • $30,000 base plus benefit.
  • Still determining the magnitude of the healthcare costs.
  • The job is part-time; 20 hours a week.
  • Christopher McCullough was very qualified. It was encouraged to interview him.

Roof update

  • Current thinking is to wait until March. We currently patched the roof. It held up during the rain last weekend. We are trying to structure the contract so that we pay based on progress rather than prepaying for the materials before the work starts.
  • Waiting to see if we can get a $200,000 grant from the state.

FY23 budget

  • We reviewed the draft FY23 budget.
  • It is a balanced budget and we started to put items back in that we cut during COVID.

Our parish profile

  • The Archdiocese asked us to update our thumbnail profile which we reviewed at the meeting.

Business Updates

Strategic plan updates

  • Kevin is working on providing a summary of the plan to provide the various ministries.
  • Christopher talked to Kelly Reynolds from the Archdiocese about some ideas to bridge the gap of the ministries with what we do day-to-day.
  • Having a new coordinator to lay out the entire year will be very helpful.

Committee Reports

  • There is a draft email write-up to review before we send off the coordination emails to the various committees. We will send out the mass email sooner rather than later. Then in the next week or so each assigned Council member will follow up with their committee.

Next meeting is August 8, 2022, at 7pm via Zoom.

Ted chose Ryan for Opening Prayer for the next meeting.

Closing Prayer

The Council closed with the following prayer:

Take, Lord, and receive all my liberty, my memory, my understanding, my entire will – all that I have and call my own.   You have given it all to me.  To you, Lord, I return it.  Everything is yours: do with it what you will.  Give me only your love and your grace.  That is enough for me.


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