From left, Donna Price, interfaith prayer celebration coordinator, the Rev. William J. Watters, assisting priest at St. Ignatius Church in Baltimore, George Henschel, cantor, and Brian Frain, pastor, shown Tuesday, will participate in a New Year’s Eve service at St. Ignatius.
The Interfaith Committee seeks to build understanding and community among people of different faiths and religious traditions. Through dialogue with members of other faith communities, we explore ways our St. Ignatius Community and theirs can learn more about each other’s faith beliefs and traditions, create opportunities for our communities to learn and pray together and work collaboratively in pursuit of social and economic justice for the members of our local and wider communities.
Parishioners are encouraged to bring to the committee their ideas for Interfaith and Ecumenical endeavors.
Historic St. Ignatius Church at Calvert and Madison Streets hosts the Annual Interfaith Prayer Service.
This perennial city favorite has now been presented for 30 years, and is a gathering of people of various faiths, including Jewish, Christian Muslim and Hindu who come to offer thanksgiving for blessings during the past year and to pray for continued blessings in the ensuing year.
The musical program begins at 8 PM and concludes at 9:30 – well in advance of other New Year’s Eve activities.
Admission is always free.
On-street parking and low cost, well lighted indoor parking one block south of Church.
Street level with elevator
For more information, call the parish office at 410-727-3848.