Environmental Justice Committee Report, 2023-24

This St. Ignatius Environmental Committee answers Pope Francis’s urgent call to care for our common home and avert impending environmental catastrophe. Committee members have dedicated themselves to 1) education, 2) advocacy, and 3) action. 


Published in the Ezine (and sometimes on the EJ website and in the print bulletin) 18 excerpts from Pope Francis’s encyclical, Laudato Si (2015), exhortation, Laudate Deum (2023), and message to COP 28 (2023). These outline the causes and scope of the crisis, the theological imperatives for ecological action, and the devastating impact on poor nations and peoples.

Sponsored a speaker from Catholic Relief Services (4 November) and a discussion on the effects of diminishing water on local and global communities.

Advertised webinars (e.g., Spotlight on Migration) and initiatives from local allied groups (e.g., Blue Water Baltimore and Interfaith Partners for the Chesapeake).


Committee members were part of a statewide committee to select the legislation to be supported by Maryland Catholics for our Common Home (MCCH). Attended Annapolis Lobby Day, February 19. Members of the EJ Committee participated in preparatory sessions by Interfaith Partners for the Chesapeake and MCCH, and then met with representatives and senators to lobby for support of selected environmental bills.

Drafted position pieces for presentation to legislators. Collected St. Ignatius parishioners’ signatures, in person (March 10) and online for bills before the Maryland General Assembly session. These proposed bills addressed 4 areas of concern: Clean and Affordable Energy, Clean Transportation, Protection of Maryland Lands and Water, Climate and Environmental Equity.


Created and maintained a beautiful native plant garden in front of our Church.

Constructed and set up compost and recycling bins at St. Ignatius.

Pruned trees and bushes around St. Ignatius properties.

Sold 10 sun and shade varieties of native plants with high pollinator value after mass April 21. 

Compiled and distributed a Home Activities for the Environment list for St. Ignatius parishioners.

Contacted allied groups and explored possibilities for future collaboration.

Invited warmly all parishioners to join this dynamic and important group. 

Come join us!

Environmental Justice Committee

Environmental Justice Committee

The Environmental Justice Committee works to advance, educate and participate with individuals and groups to improve the condition of the environment for all of the earth’s inhabitants through direct action, education and advocacy in harmony with the environment.
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Hunger, Housing & Poverty Committee

Hunger, Housing & Poverty Committee

Our mission is to educate and advocate for those who are food insecure, in need in housing, and suffering. We work to oppose any budget cuts that would increase hunger and poverty in the United States and around the world.
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Racial Justice Committee

Racial Justice Committee

We stand in solidarity with those facing hardship and injustice due to race. Our goal is to be stewards of faith, hope, and love by promoting model relationships that are rooted in truth, compassion, equality, and peace.
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Economic Justice Committee

Economic Justice Committee

We are called and challenged to articulate, advocate for, and act upon critical economic issues that affect our neighbors, families, and communities across our city and our world.
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Immigration Committee

Immigration Committee

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Ignatian Family Teach-in for Justice

Ignatian Family Teach-in for Justice

We are boundless: unified in difference. We are beloved: working for justice witnesses to that love. Our striving for our collective liberation will never be complete, and that in and of itself empowers us to pursue that work.
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