Minutes of the St. Ignatius Pastoral Council
7:00 PM — August 31st, 2020
Virtual Meeting via Zoom
Present: Father Casciotti, Ted Engelke, Ryan Bixler, Joe Hillery, Vonetta Edwards, Len Heckwolf, Barbara Lazatti, Kate Walsh, Rich Gorman, Andrew Lacovara, and Ministry Committee Leaders.
- Opening Prayer
Gordon opened with prayer.
- Discussion with Ministry Leaders
Everyone shared how they were doing during these times.
Interfaith Committee:
- Two main events that will try to distribute materials.
- They held a prayer service for peace in the Middle East via Zoom.
- The annual gathering is currently being prepared.
Anti-Racism Awareness:
- About eight people in the group.
- Currently in talks with the Justice and Peace committee and John to get everything rolled out.
- Invite parishioners to join together on a personal journey.
- There will be a bi-weekly newsletter with reflections. Should be rolled out in the next few weeks.
Embracing God’s Gift:
- The meetings occur via Zoom.
- The LGBTQ meeting in July had two folks join that did not initially have a connection with St. Ignatius, so it was nice that they were able to join and become connected to our parish.
Justice and Peace:
- Continuing work on advocacy with a focus on education. There are subcommittees that help. And each put together projects.
- The members are very engaged.
Marriage Prep:
- Looking at a hybrid model. May push towards a more online model.
Women Who Stay:
- Work entails Church reform.
- There will be more on the ezine. Look for a statement in the ezine as to why the name changed and the mission of this ministry.
- There are more opportunities using Zoom to interact with more committees.
Loaves and Fishes:
- A survey will be coming out soon.
- Discussions were held regarding giving out bagged meals.
- They liked the idea giving out casseroles.
- III.Acceptance of the Minutes from July 2020 Meeting
Ryan to circulate both the July and Augus minutes for acceptance.
- IV.Pastor’s Report
- Elevator should be done the end of next week.
- The ezine is being viewed by a lot of people.
- Donations from strangers are coming in.
- After the first month we are where we are budgeted.
- PREP is on Zoom.
- The Early Learning Center has taken over church hall to help with social distancing.
- Architects are involved to help Father Watters with space in the row houses for the school.
- Old Business
Please refer to the above section “Discussion with Ministry Leaders” for discussion of the below items.
- Racial Justice and Policing Reform
- Awareness Task Force
- Advocacy task Force
- Young Adult Ministry Survey
- Casserole Update
- Women of the New Testament partnering with St Vincents update
- VI.New Business
- Sherri asked if anyone knows a Spanish speaker to help.
- The live stream of the masses has been going well.
- Joe asked if there is anything we can do to memorialize the parishioners who have passed away.
- The idea of a virtual retreat was popular.
- VII.Grab Bag
- VIII.Closing Prayer
Andrew closed with prayer.
VIII. Adjourn – Next Meeting October 5th, 2020 @ 7 PM