August 2020 – Pastoral Council Minutes

Minutes of the St. Ignatius Pastoral Council

7:00 PM — August 31st, 2020 

Virtual Meeting via Zoom

Present: Father Casciotti, Ted Engelke, Ryan Bixler, Joe Hillery, Vonetta Edwards, Len Heckwolf, Barbara Lazatti, Kate Walsh, Rich Gorman, Andrew Lacovara, and Ministry Committee Leaders.

  1. Opening Prayer

Gordon opened with prayer.

  1. Discussion with Ministry Leaders

Everyone shared how they were doing during these times.

Interfaith Committee:

  • Two main events that will try to distribute materials.
  • They held a prayer service for peace in the Middle East via Zoom.
  • The annual gathering is currently being prepared.

Anti-Racism Awareness:

  • About eight people in the group.
  • Currently in talks with the Justice and Peace committee and John to get everything rolled out.
  • Invite parishioners to join together on a personal journey. 
  • There will be a bi-weekly newsletter with reflections. Should be rolled out in the next few weeks. 

Embracing God’s Gift:

  • The meetings occur via Zoom. 
  • The LGBTQ meeting in July had two folks join that did not initially have a connection with St. Ignatius, so it was nice that they were able to join and become connected to our parish. 

Justice and Peace:

  • Continuing work on advocacy with a focus on education. There are subcommittees that help. And each put together projects. 
  • The members are very engaged.

Marriage Prep:

  • Looking at a hybrid model. May push towards a more online model. 

Women Who Stay:

  • Work entails Church reform.
  • There will be more on the ezine. Look for a statement in the ezine as to why the name changed and the mission of this ministry. 
  • There are more opportunities using Zoom to interact with more committees. 

Loaves and Fishes:

  • A survey will be coming out soon.
  • Discussions were held regarding giving out bagged meals. 
  • They liked the idea giving out casseroles. 
  1. III.Acceptance of the Minutes from July 2020 Meeting  

Ryan to circulate both the July and Augus minutes for acceptance.                                                                                                                        

  1. IV.Pastors Report 
  • Elevator should be done the end of next week.
  • The ezine is being viewed by a lot of people.
  • Donations from strangers are coming in.
  • After the first month we are where we are budgeted. 
  • PREP is on Zoom.
  • The Early Learning Center has taken over church hall to help with social distancing.
  • Architects are involved to help Father Watters with space in the row houses for the school.
  1. Old Business 

Please refer to the above section “Discussion with Ministry Leaders” for discussion of the below items.

  1. Racial Justice and Policing Reform
    1. Awareness Task Force
    2. Advocacy task Force
  1. Young Adult Ministry Survey
  2. Casserole Update 
  3. Women of the New Testament partnering with St Vincents update
  4. VI.New Business
  • Sherri asked if anyone knows a Spanish speaker to help. 
  • The live stream of the masses has been going well.
  • Joe asked if there is anything we can do to memorialize the parishioners who have passed away. 
  • The idea of a virtual retreat was popular. 
  1. VII.Grab Bag 


  1. VIII.Closing Prayer 

Andrew closed with prayer.

VIII. Adjourn – Next Meeting October 5th, 2020 @ 7 PM


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