St. Ignatius initiated the Antiracism Awareness Task Force to help facilitate personal growth through the lens of the Catholic faith and Ignatian spirituality: ultimately seeking to enable parishioners to see antiracism as a way of life, a Saving Grace, and a call to walk the way of the Gospel.
Specifically, in keeping with the Ignatian concept of awareness (wherein you not only obtain a better understanding of yourself through self-reflection, but also recognize the ways in which God is specifically calling you to act) the Antiracism Awareness Task Force’s mission is to help parishioners become aware of white supremacy and privilege, and ultimately move from “not racist” to anti-racist.
Click HERE to learn more about St Ignatius’ Anti Racism Task Force
February 2022 Events
A Parish Journey for Racial Justice and Equity
In the wake of George Floyd’s murder last summer, Baltimore’s St. Ignatius Parish community committed to respond. That meant doing the hard work of antiracism through reflection and action. Parish task force director, Toni Moore-Duggan, and member, Eric Clayton, talk about the task force’s work to raise awareness around these efforts, and will share how their parish began and sustains this work.