Parish Articles

Day: June 22, 2022

Fatherhood: A Catholic Actor’s Journey

Jun 16, 2022  by  Kate O’Hare In 2015, upstate New York native Alex Dee came to Los Angeles seeking, like many before and after him, work as an actor. But not just any work. As a serious Catholic, there were things Dee would do, and things he wouldn’t. That made

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Our New Pastor

Fr. Brian Frain, SJAssistant Professor of EducationCollege of Arts and SciencesVan Ackeren 313 Additional Positions  Director, Thomas More Center for Catholic Thought and Culture Degrees  Ed.D. Education, University of RochesterOther Sacred Theology, Weston Jesuit School of TheologyM.A. Divinity, Weston Jesuit School of TheologyM.A. Philosophy, Fordham UniversityM.S. Education, Saint Joseph’s UniversityB.A.

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Bad Excuses (Luke 9:51-62)

by Fr. John Bartunek, LC “You who have been present at this bloody tragedy, learn that all torments seem as nothing to one who has an everlasting crown before his eyes. Your gods are not gods; renounce their worship. He alone for whom I suffer and die is the true

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Thirty-second Sunday in Ordinary Time

I promised during this month of November to highlight prayer groups to deepen your interior life. The first one is one that I belonged to while I lived in New York. I was a faithful member for four years. It’s called Christian Life Community. I will call it CLC from

Thirty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time

This coming Sunday we celebrate the annual Mass for our Beloved Dead with readings that direct us to prepare our lives for the City of God, the eternal life promised by Christ. In the meantime, we live learning how to integrate our blessed future with the here and now. View

Thirty-second Sunday in Ordinary Time

I promised during this month of November to highlight prayer groups to deepen your interior life. The first one is one that I belonged to while I lived in New York. I was a faithful member for four years. It’s called Christian Life Community. I will call it CLC from

Thirty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time

This coming Sunday we celebrate the annual Mass for our Beloved Dead with readings that direct us to prepare our lives for the City of God, the eternal life promised by Christ. In the meantime, we live learning how to integrate our blessed future with the here and now. View

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As a Jesuit parish, we believe we are called to explore, discover, respect, protect, and enhance whatever is humane and graced in every person, and in every culture.